Two women holding having a conversation while walking in the rain

Take time for your health.

Effective screening has reduced the mortality rate by more than 40 percent over the last 30 years.

Most days, we’re so busy working or caring for others that we forget about ourselves. But your health is important — and preventive measures like self-exams and screenings can catch cancer early.

Breast Cancer: Early detection can save your life

Anyone can get breast cancer. In fact, it’s the second leading cause of cancer-related death for women.

If you’re over 40, it’s time for a mammogram. Screenings are the first line of defense against cancer — and they’re available with little to no cost to you.

Breast cancer screenings

You can reduce your risk by staying physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and not using hormone replacement therapy during menopause or oral contraceptives.

  • Breast self-exam

    Feeling and looking at the breast for any changes.

    • Adults (Once a month)
  • Clinical breast exam

    Manual exam by your health care provider.

    • Age 20 to 39 (Every 1 to 3 years)
    • Age 40 and older (Every year)
  • Mammogram

    2D or 3D X-ray of each breast. Your doctor may recommend starting sooner based on your personal health and family history.

    • Age 40 and older (Every year)

Cervical Cancer: You could have cancer and not know it.

Cervical cancer is a slow-growing cancer that develops in the cervix. It can be caused by an HPV infection, which you can have and not know.

Schedule regular screenings to catch any changes. Most are available with little to no cost to you.

Cervical cancer screenings

You can reduce your risk if you don’t smoke cigarettes, use condoms, and avoid partners who have STDs.

  • Pap test

    Doctors look at cells from the cervix and vagina under a microscope.

    • Every 3 years starting at age 21, or yearly per your doctor’s advice
  • HPV test

    Tests the cervical cells (usually during a Pap test).

    • Every 5 years with a Pap test, starting at age 30

Know your risk

Talk to your doctor about your risk factors. They may recommend earlier or more frequent screenings.

  • illustration of a pink ribbon to highlight breast cancer screenings

    Breast cancer

    • Breast cancer in the family
    • Non-cancer breast disease
    • Genetic mutations
    • Pregnancy at a later age
  • illustration of a green ribbon to highlight cervical cancer screenings

    Cervical cancer

    • Have not gotten the HPV vaccine
    • Use the pill (oral birth control)
    • Have a weak immune system
    • Have had chlamydia