In the U.S., social factors, or Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age, can impact up to 80% of someone’s health.
Highmark is working to minimize barriers to improve the health and well-being of the communities and customers it serves. But we can’t do it alone.
As a catalyst for change, Highmark teams up with others to create environments that help people be fully healthy — mentally, physically, and socially.
Get to know Highmark and learn how the 80% Project is supporting members in their communities.
Through Highmark’s case workers and provider partners, Highmark’s team asks “non-health” questions to help identify identify SDoH factors impacting our members. By getting to root causes, we can help members overcome barriers and reach their best version of health. Questions related to the following areas are addressed:
If a member has a social barrier to health, our team connects the member to organizations and resources within their community. Any member of the public can search thousands of free or reduced-cost services by zip code to help meet food, housing, medical, and financial needs via the Highmark Community Support platform.
Addressing social barriers to health also requires commitment and investment at the community level. Highmark uses tools such as the Community Health Management Hub® and hundreds of public and clinical data sets to understand the challenges facing specific communities.
Highmark then works with local community groups and leaders to co-create innovative approaches that will help improve community health and reduce health disparities.
Social Determinants of Health programs are available to members across the country with dedicated community investments in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Northeastern New York, Western New York and West Virginia.