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Attention: Real-Time Certificate Changes

Highmark Health Services is currently updating its real-time web services to support the 2048 bit standard. As a result, at 5:00 p.m. EST on September 25, 2013, a new web services certificate will be installed on https://services.highmark.com

If your system is set up trust the Thawte Certificate Authority (CA) then you should see no impacts when the certificate is updated. If your system trusts a direct certificate, you may need to manually accept the new key to prevent your transactions from failing.

Additional information about downloading a digital certificate can be found in the Real Time Connectivity guides that are located in the Resources section of this EDI Trading Partner Business Center web site.

If you have questions about whether or not your real-time capabilities will be impacted by this change please contact your practice management software vendor. Questions about the Highmark Health Services real-time process can be directed to EDI Operations at 1-800-992-0246, Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST.